Animal Dreaming Oracle - Example 2

Animal Dreaming Oracle - Example 2

Turtle - Mother Earth

Even when surrounded by those we love and respect, we sometimes feel alone and isolated. We sometimes forget our connection to Spirit and the relationship we have with the Earth Mother and Creation. We feel apart from, rather than a part of, nature. We feel disconnected from the Great Wheel of Life and believe ourselves to be alone.

Turtle, however, reminds us that we are never alone – that the Earth is our Mother and that she loves, speaks, protects and provides for us every day.

Due to their ancient heritage, Turtles have long been revered as symbols of the Earth Mother, longevity and protection. Turtle lays her eggs deep within the warm sands of Mother Earth, confiding in her the protection and nurturing of her offspring. She trusts that the Earth Mother will provide them with all they need to develop so that they may emerge as strong, independent representatives of the next generation.

To hide something sacred within the dark abyss of Mother Earth, away from the light of the Grandfather Sun, is symbolic of the ritualistic death endured by individuals of many ancient cultures in their search for healing, ancestral wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.


As the Turtle’s young emerge from the sand, they are in fact rebirthing as if from the Womb of the Earth Mother. Their first birth is symbolised by the laying of the egg into the Earth, with the rebirth symbolised by the breaking free of the coffin-like eggshell to emerge from the nurturing energy of Mother Earth into the light of Grandfather Sun.

If Turtle has gently edged her way into your cards today, you are being prepared for profound change - in the form of healing (regarding family issues, secrets, etc.), personal growth and an awakening of sorts. You are literally being prepared for rebirth, emergence and a return to clarity.

You are also being reconnected in a sacred way to the creative force of the Earth Mother’s womb, her heart and the inherent wisdom she yearns to impart.

You are being reminded that we are ‘all related’ and that, even when you believe yourself forsaken; you are being cradled and nurtured by Mother Earth.