Inert Gas Devices - Historical Case Studies
The following case studies have been extracted from Einstein Doesn't Work Here Anymore - A Treatise on the New Science by Maurice B. Cooke, Copyright © 1983 by Marcus Books, Canada and Other Kingdoms, by Maurice B. Cooke, Copyright © 1981 by Marcus Books, Canada. All information in the case studies is based on observations made by the author prior to publication of the book Einstein Doesn't Work Here Anymore. Note that none of the case studies below have utilized any of the Inert Gas Devices developed by Natures Energies. The devices that were used are based around those developed by Maurice B Cooke in the 1970s and 1980s. The Natures Energies devices are far more evolved, with much more advanced magnetics and special energy enhancements to the gases being used.
Case Study 1 - Helium
Subject A, age 33, female. In good health; follows vegetarian diet. Subject had experienced migraine headaches up until about age 28, but has been free of them for the past 5 years.
May 16, 1980. A headache had built up all during the day. Subject believed that it could have been due to worry. She was also only a day or so ahead of her period, and the headache could have been related to additional hormonal or other factors in the blood.
At 6:38 pm about 7 oz of normal tap water in a stemware container was placed beside a cartridge containing Helium at 1400 psi. This was excited by a magnet placed opposite the glass. The magnet produced an average field in the cartridge of about 150-200 Gauss. Exposure time was 12 minutes. Subject then drank the exposed water in the space of about 4 minutes. She then lay down to rest at 7:00 pm. At 7:15 pm she said she felt 'a little better', and estimated about 30% improvement.
Subject then began to eat the evening meal. At 7:20 the same stemware container was filled with flat grape juice and exposed to the same Helium field. During the exposure, subject would sip occasionally from the glass, each time replacing it in front of the field.
At 7:23, subject indicated that the headache had lifted to about 50%of its original intensity. The grape juice was all drunk by about 7:45, and by 8:00 pm the headache had completely gone.
Regarding migraine headaches, an additional point relates to the factors in the life of the migraine sufferer which are causing the problem. Almost invariably, in our experience, the life pattern of the migraine victim contains an acute conflict involving that individual. Usually there is some situation, condition or other person which he strongly dislikes but which (for some reason) he is forcing himself to put up with. If this deeply rooted conflict condition can be eliminated, then the tension which it engenders will abate and the headaches will disappear. Alternatively it is possible in some cases for the migraine sufferer to 're-program' his attitudes and thoughts in such a way that his resentment or dislike can be dismantled. The latter process is easier to accomplish than most people might think, but few are willing to give it the required effort because they do not wish to acknowledge the fault of attitude or thought that is at the root of their problem.
Case Study 2 - Neon
Subject B, age 39. female. The following health summary is based on a history provided by the subject.
At age 15 a bicycle accident resulted in damage to the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae, which probably chipped due to calcium deficiency. She then spent one year in a steel-reinforced corset to prevent movement. From age 17 to 20 she experienced almost constant pain in the lower back. Since age 32 she has had about half a dozen 'bad' attacks at intervals. An attack usually begins with something 'clicking out' resulting in confinement to bed with muscle relaxants and pain-killers. Eight months prior to the inert-gas treatment described below, she had experienced painful spasms which stopped her from doing many things. From then until the time of the inert gas treatment she has not really been free of pain.
One week prior to the treatment with Neon, she developed a sore throat and felt as though she were getting a cold. Over the next week she spent most of the time sleeping. Whenever she got up she felt weak in the legs, had hot flushes and became nauseous. She also had a loss of appetite.
Then, due to work build-up at the office, she came in to work. She still felt quite nauseous and weak. She was offered a treatment for experimental purposes and accepted.
It was decided to try a pure Neon treatment first, using a liquid carrier. One cupful of Ovaltine (made with water) was exposed to the energy from a cartridge of Neon at 600 psi for 15 minutes at a distance of 4 inches. The average Gauss within the cartridge was about 150 to 200. The subject then drank the liquid, and some 40 minutes later reported a degree of relief.
At the time of this treatment, we were attempting to ascertain whether a mixture of Helium and Neon energy might also be good for problems stemming from the chakra at the base of the spine. For this reason a second cup of the same liquid was next exposed for 10 minutes to the Neon energy (same arrangement as earlier) and for 5 minutes to the energy from a cartridge containing pure Helium at 1600 psi—4 inch spacing. The subject then drank this second cup and reported a very quick further improvement (within a few minutes). She particularly commented on the 'feeling of wellbeing' which it seemed to give her.
The subject felt so improved after this second cup of exposed liquid (administered about noon) that she went out during the lunch-hour to her gymnasium, jogged a full mile and did a number of back exercises "without the usual extreme discomfort".
Upon her return to the office a further treatment was given: Neon 15 minutes and Helium 4 minutes. This appeared to sustain the feeling of well-being and good spirits.
The Neon treatment was tried in this case because of the pattern of discomfort in the lower abdominal and back area. The fact that there was spinal damage of long duration suggested that the energy flow from the center in the base of the spine was being interfered with, and thus it appeared that the Neon energy was indicated. The Helium energy was admixed with the Neon on a hunch: since the two gases are next to each other in the inert gas series, and since both seemed compatible with the water treatment, the mixture was an attempt to modify the basic nature of the energy to 'match' it more closely to the subject's own chakra energies. This may have occurred with the second of the three treatments. On the other hand, the further improvement may simply have been the result of additional Neon energy alone, and might well have come about with a simple repeat of the first treatment (Neon by itself). This is a matter for further research.
It is also interesting to note that the subject, when pregnant with her daughter about eighteen years previous, had experienced no spinal or related discomfort of any kind, to the surprise of her physician. On the theory that the chakra energy from the base of the spine is stimulated by the growth of the foetus (since it is probably tapped in some way to aid this growth), it is reasonable to assume that the extra energy available due to the pregnancy was sufficient to alleviate the previous back and related discomfort.
Case Study 3
Subject C, age 13, female. Mononucleosis
Infectious mononucleosis is an illness of unknown etiology. Though viral agents have been suspected, no specific causal agent has been isolated. Due to the absence of clear evidence that physical organisms were involved, it was decided to treat the problem as if it were due to the working of a Category C thought form.
History of this case
This subject began to exhibit early symptoms in January, 1980, about three months prior to the inert gas treatment (in early April). These symptoms were general listlessness and tiredness. No pain was noticed at this stage.
The subject accompanied her mother from Toronto (home) to New York City on March 13th, remaining until the 24th of that month. On the 20th of March, while still in New York, she developed abdominal pain and persistent headache. On the 25th, after her return to Toronto, she visited the family physician who diagnosed possible infectious mononucleosis and arranged for the standard blood test. On the 26th she developed severe stomach pain at intervals. Though her doctor wanted her to go into the hospital due to an enlarged and tender spleen, she refused. He then agreed to let her stay at home.
The blood test was positive for mononucleosis. On the 27th she developed a severe sore throat and the stomach pain diminished. There was a slight improvement of her general condition on the 30th.
At the request of her mother, an inert gas treatment was scheduled for the 31st March.
The first treatment was with Argon. The cartridge containing this gas at about 1400 psi was energized by a magnet capable of placing the gas under an average magnetic field of about 150 Gauss. The subject lay down supine on a couch with her head to the north, and the apparatus was positioned just beyond the top of her head, with the axis of the magnet being aligned approximately north/south.
The Argon energy was administered for 40 minutes, following which the cartridge was replaced with one containing Krypton at about 700 psi (same magnet). The Krypton energy remained for about 20 minutes, and was used as a follow-up energy in order to ensure as far as possible that the disease thought-form would be removed. During both of these exposures, the subject noticed a faint 'buzzing' sensation at the top of the head. Otherwise no physical effects were observed.
Immediately after this double treatment, the subject felt well enough to get up and eat with the family. Previously she had had little appetite and had spent most of the time lying down. Others present remarked on her improved physical appearance.
It then took several days for her body to get rid of the poisons and toxins that had accumulated in the lymph organs due to the long siege of this thought-form within the body. For the following 2½ days, the subject had a worsened sore throat and much diarrhea. By the evening of the third day following the inert gas treatment, however, she reported considerable improvement. On the morning of the fourth day, she awoke feeling much better, though still weak. On the fifth day her throat was completely better. The family doctor then examined her, and expressed surprise that she should have recovered so rapidly.
Case Study 4
Subject D, male, age 15. Mononucleosis
In this case the subject had harbored the thought-form for a lesser time, and had exhibited symptoms of tiredness for only about three days. The family physician had conducted the blood test, and when the mother was told that her son had mononucleosis, she asked us to try to help him with the inert gas technology. Because we could attack the thought-form before a great degree of weakening and toxin accumulation had occurred, the results were more rapid and complete than in Example III above.
The treatment was essentially the same as in case III: Argon and Krypton were both used, though directed from the foot end of the body. The subject was again supine, but with the head to the south-east. Time of exposure was about the same. The subject recovered completely in about two days, without any lingering weakness as in Example III.
In Examples III and IV, the use of both Argon and Krypton obscures the matter of just which one was the most effective in dealing with the thought-form. However the circumstances were not appropriate to use these children as guinea-pigs in terms of isolating the effective gas. In each case the mother had appealed for help, and we wished to do as much as possible to relieve the illness.
Case Study 5
Example V: Skin Rash
Subject E, male, age 42. In general good health, a vegetarian for about three years. A rash developed on the right underarm, without any apparent cause in terms of irritation. The rash was annoying but not painful. It was first treated with a beam from pure Argon at a distance of about one foot, for 20 minutes. This had no effect at all. Over the two days following the treatment with Argon energy, the rash continued to spread. Then a treatment with the beam from pure Krypton was tried, again an exposure of 20 minutes from one foot. Within two days the rash had disappeared. Improvement was noticed within 12 hours of the Krypton exposure.
This case, in conjunction with other experiences we have had, lends support to a tentative theory that two different kinds of Category C thought-forms can be distinguished: those that attack the outer skin and those that attack the inner organs. The former seem to be most sensitive to Krypton energy, whereas the latter are possibly more sensitive to the energy from Argon. This is a subject that will require much more research than has been carried out thus far.
From our experience to date, we may tentatively say that the best approach to Category C illness is one which
- exposes the affected part of the body (or all of it) to the energy from Argon, Krypton or both
- isolates the pattern of thought or emotion which is responsible for the creation of the thought-form
- persuades the victim to alter or stop that pattern.
In many cases a dietary change can also be beneficial.
Case Study 6
Subject F, male, age 35. Not a vegetarian, slightly overweight. In good health other than the hip condition.
History of the Condition
In the spring of 1974, three years before the inert gas treatment was undertaken, the subject noticed the first twinge of hip pain during a golf game. The pain was more severe the next day, and hindered walking. An X-ray was taken, but did not reveal anything structurally wrong with the hip at that time.
Three months later the pain had become quite severe. A further X-ray then showed serious deterioration. The doctor's comment to the subject was that he "had the hip of a seventy-year-old".
Steady further deterioration ensued, with the pain gradually worsening. At night, when pressure was off the hip, the pain subsided. But normal daytime activity was quite uncomfortable. Any extended walking caused pain, flushes, nausea, sweating. When we were introduced to the subject in April of 1977, he was then taking up to ten 16-grain aspirins daily for the pain. The doctor's prognosis was vague, indicating that if the subject did not overstrain the hip, it might last another ten years.
In 1970, the subject had gone through an emotionally stressful period while his first wife was dying of cancer. We theorized, upon learning of this earlier episode, that the subject had at that time created for himself a powerful disease thought-form as a result of the stress of the period, and that the thought-form had lodged in the right hip joint, for whatever reason. We therefore felt that the best attack was to use one form of energy to destroy the thought-form, and then Xenon to prompt the body to rebuild the degenerated tissue at a rate more rapid than normal.
At that date we were working mainly with Krypton in terms of the removal or destruction of thought-forms, and we were not then aware of the efficacy of Argon for the same purpose. We therefore proceeded to administer the Krypton energy through a copper probe directly against the hip location. Any inert gas energy can be transmitted along an electric wire and made available at the end of that wire. To pass the energy into the wire, the gas beam is allowed to fall on a copper plate to which one end of the wire is electrically connected. The probe is at the other end of the wire, soldered directly to it. Around the probe is a plastic or glass sheath by which it is handled. The sheath prevents the energy from grounding out in the hand of the person holding the probe. Alternatively the wire can be connected directly to the cartridge containing the inert gas, provided the cartridge is made of an electrically conductive material like copper or brass, and provided it is insulated from other metallic surfaces.
Following the Krypton treatment through the probe, we used a cartridge containing a mixture of four gases constituted as follows:
Helium 8%
Neon 22%
Argon 60%
Krypton 10%
This mixture of gases was used to generate an energy field in the usual way, which was administered through the probe. It was our view that this mixture could have a restraining effect on viruses. We did not know at the time whether some form of virus might have been involved (i.e. whether the disease thought-form was in the B category), but we wished to use everything possible in our attempt to help the subject.
We then proceeded to give him regular once-weekly treatments with a Xenon based mixture constituted as follows:
Helium 18%
Neon 37%
Xenon 45%
The pressure was 500 psi, and the field was excited by a potted magnet capable of establishing a flux density (average) within the cartridge of about 200 Gauss.
These treatments involved exposing the hip from a close spacing (6 inches)for at least 30 minutes per treatment. Usually during these sessions the subject reported numerous sensations like heat, "buzzing", twinges, etc., all centered at the hip location. These sensations ceased after the treatment stopped. At the time of the third treatment, the subject was given a small 'auxiliary' Xenon beam generator, consisting of a small brass cartridge containing the following mixture at 300 psi:
Neon 7.5%
Argon 12.5%
Xenon 80%
The magnetic field for this cartridge was produced by a small potted magnet which sustained a flux density in the neighborhood of 120-150 Gauss (average) within the gas in the cartridge.
The subject was requested to place the auxiliary device on his bedroom dresser at night, aimed generally in the direction of the bed, and to sleep within its field every night. The purpose of the small auxiliary generator was to provide a dilute or 'gentle' Xenon energy which the body could tap during sleep, allowing it to continue the rebuilding task at a slower pace than when the weekly treatments were in progress.
Within one month the subject began to experience occasional days free of pain. After three months he was largely free of any discomfort, except when he overstrained the joint. After six months of treatment he could undertake all normal activities without pain. The stronger weekly treatments were then suspended, although he continued to sleep in the weaker field at night.
Another X-ray taken nine months after our treatments had begun revealed "75% regeneration of the hip joint", according to his doctor's assessment.
An Interesting Sidelight—Repair of Tubal Cauterization
Three years before our initial meeting with subject F, his second wife had undergone tubal cauterization to prevent further pregnancies. They had already had two normal children. We were unaware of the tubal cauterization at the time we began the series of treatments for subject F. During the treatment program, the subject's wife slept in the same bed with him—i.e. the bed that was exposed nightly to the weak Xenon energy from the auxiliary generator we had given to subject F.
After seven months of exposure in this way, she became pregnant. Her doctor expressed considerable surprise, and told her that pregnancy after tubal cauterization was extremely rare, perhaps one case in several thousand. She subsequently gave birth to a healthy baby girl. There is here some suggestion that exposure to the Xenon-based beam allowed her body to restore the cauterized tubes and bring about their normal function.
Upon learning of his wife's unexpected pregnancy, subject F became nervous and resumed smoking. He also stopped coming for treatments. We learned three years later that the hip had begun to degenerate soon after the treatments stopped, and that eventually he underwent an operation to place a pin in the hip joint.
Case Study 7 Overdosing
This is an example of an earlier device, and does not apply to Natures Energies inert gas devices
Subject G, male, septuagenarian. Now in general good health; had had knee trouble when younger.
Merely on an experimental basis, this subject began a regular nightly exposure using a cartridge containing 67% Xenon and 33%Argon, at 100 psig. This gas mixture was excited by a small magnet capable of establishing an average magnetic flux density of about 100 Gauss within the cartridge. The subject slept with his head aligned north-south, head to the north, and the cartridge was located about 3-4 feet due north of his head.
Initially, after a day or so of the program, the subject noted positive effects. He would awaken each day earlier than his normal time, without any need to return to sleep. A chronic prostate problem, which had previously required him to get up twice a night to urinate, disappeared within a short time.
After a few weeks, the subject applied a stronger magnet to the cartridge, and moved it further away from him, to about 8 feet distance. The magnet was capable of establishing a magnetic flux density of about 250 Gauss in the cartridge.
Soon the subject began to feel more tired than usual. His knees began to give him discomfort, and a general malaise developed. This condition became severe enough to alarm him, and as a result the subject decided to suspend the nightly exposures. Within about two days he was back to normal, with no lingering negative effects.
We believe that it is important, in view of the experience related above, to stress the necessity of monitoring carefully the general state of any who volunteer to test the inert gas energies on themselves, particularly with overnight exposures. If and when any enervation, tiredness, "out of sorts" feeling or the like manifests, the exposures should be suspended, or at the very least reduced.
Based on Example VII above, it appears in general that, while a low level of inert gas energy can be beneficial, too high a level can produce negative effects. There is also some suggestion that the level of magnetic flux density may be a more important factor than distance for the strength of the energy field. Note that overexposure, overstimulation or overdosing does NOT occur with the inert gas devices available through Natures Energies, as this issue has been resolved through specially treated magnets and gases.
Case Study 8, Obesity:
Subject A, female in her early thirties.
History of the condition
This subject has been considerably overweight for most of her adult life. She has attempted various diets and other methods for losing weight, generally to no avaiI.
Initial trials with the Inert Gases
In the early sessions of this phase of experimentation, we utilized a beam generator which included an electromagnet consisting of a coil of magnet wire wrapped around a 2" pure iron core, this being arranged so that a 2" diameter hollow brass cartridge containing pressurized inert gas could be placed next to one pole of the iron core. See Figure 19.
One of the brass cartridges we used had been modified in the manner seen in Figure 19. It was provided with a short copper electrode projecting centrally into its inner chamber. The electrode extended through to the outside, so that a high voltage could be applied between the cartridge and the electrode in order to increase the ionization of the gas. This modified cartridge was filled with pure Argon at 1,300 psi. During the first session with Subject A, we had her lie down supine with her head to the north. The apparatus of Figure 19 was positioned beyond her head, aimed toward the south. The arrangement was as seen in Figure 20, which also shows what Christine perceived: an immense thought-form, positioned above the subject, attached to the subject at the neck.
Our first trial was with the Figure 19 apparatus on to maximum magnetic field, but without the application of any ionization voltage. After a few moments, the thought-form was seen to be 'undulating', almost as if it were squirming in discomfort. However, there did not appear to be any lessening of its intensity, nor did it fragment or break up.
We next applied an ionization voltage of about 5,000 volts between the copper electrode and the cartridge. The magnetic field was maintained as before. This time, the thought-form, after a few seconds, was seen to be squirming even more than previously. Moments later, tiny bright bursts of light, like tiny explosions, could be seen within the mass of the thought-form. It seemed as if the form were being attacked from within, in some way. This continued for a few minutes, and at one point the thought-form actually broke in half along a central vertical plane. However it quickly re-united the two halves. We subjected the thought-form to this bombardment for a total of about ten minutes, but did not manage to produce any lasting damage. When the apparatus was turned off, the thought-form returned to its original state.
A week later we held the second session with this same subject. Upon initial examination, the thoughtform was unchanged from the week previous. Before trying the inert gases, we attempted to have the subject herself use her visualization ability to attack the form. She proceeded to picture the form being 'folded up' like a napkin into smaller and smaller outlines. According to Christine's observation, this mental activity on the part of the subject actually succeeded in reducing the size of the thought-form by about 10%. Next I attempted to use 'hand-healing' with the guidance of Christine in terms of colors to visualize. The recommended colors were first green, then blue. My hand was held palm down just above the throat of the subject - the location where the thought-form was attached. The effect was that strands of color threaded themselves through the thought-form, and seemed to remain intertwined with it even after the 'healing' had stopped. However, this procedure did not cause the thought-form to diminish in size or intensity.
Finally, we attempted to attack the thought-form again with the Figure 19 apparatus, including ionization. The effects were precisely the same as the week previous: undulation and tiny bright 'pings' or bursts within the mass of the thought-form. However no definite, permanent reduction or damage could be noted.
During the intervening week, the subject attempted to use visualization and positive affirmation to reduce the strength of the thought-form. When she came to us again a week later, the thought-form was seen to have shrunk slightly. By that point in time, the Figure 18 apparatus had been completed. Subject A was to be our first attempt to use it on a thought-form. Without utilizing the other apparatus at all, we proceeded directly to aim the very powerful ionized Argon beam from the Figure 18 apparatus through the mass of the thought-form, without allowing the narrow beam to touch the physical body of the subject. Within one minute the thought-form had simply faded away entirely! When the apparatus was turned off about two minutes later (it was left on after the disappearance for good measure), the thought-form did not re-appear. The subject remained with us for about an hour after that exposure, during which time there was no re-appearance of the thought-form.
However, a week later at the next session, the thought-form was back in the same shape and intensity as previously. We did not attempt to get rid of it again, realizing that the subject had simply re-created the form for herself due to her mental habits and expectations, and that she would continue to do so until she had learned not to produce the kinds of thoughts and attitudes which contributed to the manufacture of this thought-form.
Case Study 9, Bursitis:
Subject B, male aged 43, otherwise in good health. A vegetarian for 3 years.
History of the condition
The first twinges of discomfort in the left shoulder were noticed in August of 1980. By October the bursitis had become fully installed, and prevented many arm movements. The arm could not be raised to the side (abducted) beyond about 60° without considerable discomfort.
Treatment with Argon beam
The subject lay down supine with his head to the north, and was observed clairvoyantly. The thoughtform appeared as a roundish blob of dull yellow, connected to the shoulder. Its diameter was about 18 inches. The narrow and powerful beam of Argon energy was then directed through the thought-form, without allowing it to touch the body of the subject. Within a minute, the thought-form began to fade out, and after two minutes it was gone altogether.
Because the bursitis was in fact physically manifested as deposits in the shoulder, and because these deposits could not be immediately discharged into the blood or lymph systems, there was no noticeable alleviation of discomfort In the shoulder Immediately after the Argon beam had been used to destroy the thoughtform. By the next morning, clairvoyant inspection showed that the thought-form had returned in the same form and Intensity as before. For those who understand the occult terminology relating to the aetheric body and the vortices or chakras which it is said to include, I may point out that the subject of this test had been having difficulty opening the heart chakra, due to a personal relationship combined with a re-awakening of a buried memory in connection with a previous life during which the actual heart organ had been literally carved out of the body while still alive and conscious. In the present life, the 'flaw' in the body-pattern of the higher self arising due to the trauma of this memory has caused a 'sunken chest' effect, with a small hollow. just at the location where the cut would have been made in that prior existence.
Although the inert gas beams did not succeed in removing this thought-form, a subsequent change in the thought patterns of the subject did accomplish its gradual removal. The subject, through effort, was able to allow his love-emotion to express itself to others. By January of 1981, the bursitis had reduced to about one quarter of its worst condition, and a clairvoyant inspection revealed that the thought-form itself was also about one-quarter of the earlier size, and rather fainter than it had been. By mid-February of 1981, the discomfort was gone altogether.
Case Study 10, Cat Allergy:
Subject C, female aged 27 years, otherwise in good health.
History of the condition
Up to the age of puberty, this subject had had no disagreeable experiences in the presence of cats, and no allergic reaction had made itself felt. Around the puberty age, however, a trauma associated with a pet cat had initiated what became a permanent cat allergy. In the presence of any feline, the subject would begin to experience watering of the eyes, runny nose, constriction of the throat and other symptoms.
Treatment with the Argon beam
The subject was asked to lie down supine with her head to the north for clairvoyant inspection. The thought-form was a tawny yellowish color, in the form of a ball about one foot in diameter. It was located adjacent to the head, but not connected to the subject as the previous two thought-forms had been.
At the time of treating this subject, we had available only the apparatus shown in Figure 19, which was not able to cast as strong a beam as earlier devices. However, the thought-form was also somewhat weaker than the others apparently, because we were able to disperse it with the weaker beam. This dispersal took place in an interesting way, and required a longer time than the other thought-forms took.
The procedure was to expose the thought-form to the Figure 19 device, including the ionization, from a relatively short range - about two feet. The axis of the magnetic field was directed through the center of the thought-form. At first, there did not appear to be any effect. However, after about 5 minutes, Christine indicated that the thought-form had begun to 'break up'. This it did by first dividing in half, then each half divided in two, and so on until there were upwards of thirty separate fragments. These remained in the general vicinity of the subject's head, and began gradually to fade out.
We attempted to determine whether the thoughtform, in this fragmented state, could remain aware of the position of the subject. Therefore we had the subject shift along the couch in both directions slowly, while Christine observed the thought-form. It appeared that the thought-form continued to sense the position of the subject, but its movements in response to the subject's shifts were sluggish. We therefore decided to have the subject suddenly get up from the couch by 'slipping out' from under the thought-form and moving quickly to the other end of the room. This she did, while Christine watched. The thought-form was not able to keep track of the subject, and simply remained in the space where it had first been exposed. All during this procedure, the beam from the Figure 19 apparatus remained trained on the thought-form. After another twenty minutes, the form had faded out completely. Before the clairvoyant lost sight of it, it had gradually drifted up to the ceiling region, still in a number of small fragments.
We did not see this subject until three weeks had passed. At that time the thought-form was seen to be re-established, in exactly the same shape and intensity as before. The subject reported that she felt some relief from the allergic symptoms for a few days after the first treatment when in the presence of cats. However this relief lasted only a short time. Clairvoyant perception indicated that this subject had been mauled to death by a lion in a previous life, presumably the active cause of the trauma which resulted in the allergic reaction when in the presence of members of the feline family. There were a number of additional tests with the stronger Argon beam generator, and these all tended to indicate that subjects afflicted by thought-form-related conditions had a strong tendency to re-build the thought-form for themselves after it had once been destroyed.
We concluded from these tests that the only lasting cure for difficulties of this kind lay in retraining the subconscious of the patient, so that it would cease to project the thoughts and/or emotions which led to the creation of the thought-forms. Our apparatus could then effectively be used to destroy the form or forms that had previously accumulated, thus clearing the way for reconstruction, cleansing or regeneration of the portion of the body that had been afflicted.
Commentary by Hilarion
This series of experiments speaks for itself. The only area we would like to comment on relates to the reason why the balloon like thought-forms were attached to the young children - even though these aetheric entities were not at the time causing any noticeable problem associated with the regions to which they were connected.
Man makes for himself his own reality. This is a truth of such great importance that we could not possibly overemphasize it. Now, these two young children have, of course, lived many lives upon this planet. In some of these prior experiences, they would have created the imbalances which are now manifesting as the balloon-like thought-forms. Let us be more specific. In the case of the young boy, there were several recent lives in which the voice was used to hurt and criticize others, particularly the spouse. As a result of this misuse of the ability to vocalize words, the portion of the body associated with that ability - the throat - has been slightly malformed in the present life. More exactly, the criticisms which were uttered in the past lives have actually distorted the pattern in the higher self which is responsible for forming the throat and the vocal chords in the fetus as it develops in the womb. As a result, the present physical body is weak and deficient in the area of the neck. The thought-form is a condensation of the negative and critical things which this individual used to say to others. The actual thought energy which he had put into the attempt to hurt others with his words has been brought into this life along with the entering soul, and this energy has been affixed to his throat area. Because the energies are negative, they tend to interfere with the normal processes of that part of the body. Hence the higher voice than normal, and the tendency for the tonsils to become inflamed. In later parts of this life, the thought-form will continue to cause irritating problems related to the throat, for only in this way can this individual meet and fully set aside the karma which he carries with him as a result of the misuse of his tongue.
In the case of the young girl, the thought-form was attached at the genital area. This energy which now appears as the balloon-like form was also generated by the individual herself in past lives. In particular, this entity has misused the sexual drives and energies repeatedly, especially in situations in which she - as a man - was able to force others to gratify her/his desires in this area. The pain and humiliation which were caused to the others has, in effect, been bottled up and brought into the present life as a bundle of aetheric energy, and attached to the genital region of the body. This is not a case of the soul being unable to form the corresponding parts of the body properly. Rather, the plan is to allow a full development of the same drives as commonly surfaced in the prior lives, and to arrange for the thought-form to then interfere with the normal function of the regenerative apparatus to such an extent that it will be difficult (and impossible at times) to express the sexual urges. Those who understand the true symbolism of astrological indicators will know that the position of Mars in Scorpio (regardless of aspects) always points to an over activity in the sexual area, and likewise foreshadows periods of enforced abstinence.
It is not necessary to explain the background of all of the thought-forms described in the chapter just completed. We think that the ideas set forth above will allow the reader a good grasp of the nature and causes of these aetheric energy patterns.
The Theory of Disease
Extracted from Chapter 12 of Einstein Doesn't Work Here Anymore
There is much discussion currently about psychosomatic illness and the concept that certain stressful mental or emotional patterns can lead to physical symptoms, chronic complaints, and so forth. However, little is known about the actual mechanism by which this psychosomatic effect comes about.
In this chapter a new hypothesis is advanced regarding this mechanism. Further research may prove this hypothesis erroneous or incomplete, but it has the advantage of providing a tentative model for understanding the effectiveness of the inert gas beams in the medical area.
We begin by assuming that there is a stratum of reality in which thought has something akin to substance. There is a metaphysical notion that "thoughts are things", and our initial assumption takes this idea to be more than merely a figurative assertion.
Indeed, in Eastern mysticism there is a belief in an "aetheric" level of being, where thoughts and also the "aetheric bodies" of human beings exist in substantial form. Now this aetheric stratum may he a level where a thought projected by a human mind not only exists as substance but can continue to exist even after the initial creating thought has ceased. If so, then one can conceive the possibility that individuals are constantly creating a multitude of these "thought-forms", so to speak, which collect in the region of (or within) their originator, and which may persist for greater or lesser periods depending upon the power of the originating thought.
The hypothesis here advanced is that it is these thought-forms which are ultimately responsible for both chronic and acute illness. Since it is generally recognized that those who harbor negative or destructive thoughts are more prone to illness than those who do not, it is reasonable to assume that the kind of thoughtform which produces illness is basically of a negative character.
The disease thought-forms are thus conceived as entities or things which are programmed to carry out certain procedures within man's physical body. The programming is determined by the nature of the originating thought.
Disease thought-forms are divided below into three broad categories, in accordance with how they function within a human body.
Category A
In this category, the disease thought-form is linked to pathogenic bacteria within the host body, Since the thought-form is at the aetheric level, the bacteria may conveniently be looked on as constituting the physical 'body' of the thought-form. The thought-form thus has a body made up of individual cells (the bacteria), which duplicates the make-up of the host body. -
Category B
In this category, the disease thought-form is linked to viral organisms, located within the hosts own cells. The physical 'body' of the thought-form is thus not made of whole cells, but of the 'nuclei' of cells (most viral organisms resemble cell nuclei). -
Category C
In this category, the disease thought-form centers in one or more of the organs or major systems of the host body, and proceeds to alter the structure or the function of the portion it has Invaded. However no bacterial or viral organism is involved.
Examples of these three categories are easy to give. Category A illnesses are those like enteritis, measles, strep throat etc, Category B includes influenza, viral pneumonia and many others. Category C covers mononucleosis, cancer, Parkinson's disease, arthritis, and the like.
For the first two categories, the modus operandi of the disease thought-form is thwarted to a greater or lesser extent by the host body's defense mechanisms. The host body attacks the physical manifestation of the disease thought-form (the bacteria or virus), and it can weaken or remove this manifestation, then presumably the disease agent itself either departs or disappears. However for ailments in Category C, there are no specific bacterial or viral organisms to attack, and as a result the disease thought-form is somewhat more immune to the host body's defense mechanisms than is the case with bacterial or viral infestations. Most chronic illness falls into Category C.
Let us look further into the nature of chronic illness. We believe that in many such cases, the ill individual has developed a 'habit of thought' which causes him to project a particular thought-form on a regular or continuous basis. If this thought form is of the disease-producing variety, it can be very difficult to free the person of his symptoms. The energy of the disease thought-form is constantly replenished by the unfortunate habits of thought (or emotion) of the patient, and a drawn-out or chronic ailment is the typical result.
It must also be pointed out that the dietary habits of most people, at least in North America, are hardly conducive to allowing the body to defend itself at maximum efficiency from the depredations of the negative thought-patterns that take hold of the body. Research by others appears to confirm that much relief can he brought to chronic sufferers merely by detoxifying the body, and by converting the diet to one of less concentrated protein and pastry, and more of the fresh fruits and vegetables. An ideal solution, then, to the chronic category of illness would be one which
- a) teaches the patient what he is doing that tends to produce the disease thought-form, and how to stop doing it,
- b) improves the diet to lighten the eliminative load on the body's systems, and
- c) rids the patient of the thought-form itself, i.e., the thought 'substance' that has accumulated at the aetheric level due to a repeated thought-pattern.
For step a) above, however, the patient must be prepared firstly to accept responsibility for creating the conditions which led to his ailment, and secondly to take action to cure himself.
Unfortunately, many people refuse to admit that they are themselves responsible for their ills. In such cases, even the removal of the accumulated disease thought-form may not have much positive effect, particularly when the patient continues to manufacture the form with his mind.
The foregoing discussion mentions the possibility of attacking the disease thought-form directly at the aetheric level. There is now a body of evidence to support the idea that, among the five inert gases, at least Argon and Krypton produce energies which are capable of doing this.
Another major source of physical symptoms relates to what may be termed 'energy centers' in the body. These are believed to be positioned at various locations corresponding to major glands or organs (heart, solar plexus, pituitary, etc.). In eastern philosophies these centers are known as chakras or 'wheels'. The number and particular locations of all these centers need not concern us here. However it is useful to assume that the physical body of man does require for perfect health a flow of energy which involves these centers. When the energy flow through any center is disturbed or blocked, then physical symptoms, pain, weakness, etc., can appear.
Our research has shown that two energy flow regions which respond well to the inert gas beams are the head and the lower abdomen. In eastern systems of thought the head is said to contain two of the chakras, while another is considered to be positioned at the base of the spine. When the energy flow within the head is disturbed due to stress in the life pattern, tension headaches (including migraine) can result. When the energy flow involving the base of the spine is disturbed or blocked, the resulting symptoms typically involve one or more of a) the kidneys, b) the lower spine, c) the regenerative system. Sometimes the energy flow paths are altered by accidents which, for example, change the structure of bones in the corresponding regions (skull, pelvic bone, spine, etc.). The two inert gases which are important in this connection are Helium and Neon.
A final area for discussion here relates to the body's ability to regenerate worn or missing tissue. Normally this function is limited to those kinds of repair which are essential for the survival of the body. For example, an open cut or wound in the body will be healed up by the manufacture of scar tissue, a broken bone will knit together, and important tissues which are altered to a nonfunctioning state by disease will be restored to near normal. But the body will not attempt to make changes of a purely cosmetic nature, nor will it try to grow back parts of itself that have been severed. A lost finger or thumb, for example, will not be replaced, and external scar tissue though unglamorous will not be converted to normal skin.
There is reason to think that the human body, given the motivation and an appropriate energy source, would undertake regrowth tasks of this kind. There is also some clear evidence that the inert gas Xenon, when properly excited, produces an energy field that the body can use for any tissue regrowth project, whether or not such a project is necessary for its survival.