Furthermore Heim investigated man and his holistic composition. By his calculations he could derive more complex organizations of sub-grade material structure currents, which eventually led through the formation of inertia to matter (elementary particles) . On the higher levels of organization followed atoms and molecules, then biospheres and life processes and finally sensations, awareness and wisdom. All processes are controlled via information channels, whose number depends on the reached level of organization.
Already during his early works Heim said that the higher levels condition the lower levels: the so-called pneuma (the wholeness of mental laws of thought, reflection, intuition, creativity, wisdom) conditions the psyche (behaviors in the area of experience and feelings) which conditions the bios (the living matter) which conditions the soma (all material). So already here Heim had been able to explain psycho-somatic diseases by physical laws.
Bearden is a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army who lives near the Army's rocket center in Huntsville, Alabama. He says he holds a Master of Science degree from a Georgia college, in Nuclear Engineering. He is part of an "underground" network of physicists in 20 countries who exchange ideas and publications on advanced subjects and "unusual phenomena". For the past seven years he has been developing a theory to explain Radionic functions; he calls it psychotronics or psychoenergetics.
Quantified Theory
In quantum mechanics, electric charge is conceived as being created by the subquantum emission and absorption of virtual photons e.g., by extinguishing the virtual photons on an electron, the electron loses its charge, being converted to a neutrino and moving away through matter or anything else at the speed of light with essentially zero probability of interaction.
"For an electron locked in orbit by integral DeBroglie waves (Bohr theory, which is sufficient here), its charge cannot normally be extinguished, but an electron in a current flowing along a wire is not so protected and it can therefore be extinguished. I.e., currents in electromagnetic circuits -- automobile systems, radars, radios, lasers, satellites, human nervous systems, etc. -- can be interfered with or even extinguished by this means. (As has been amply demonstrated by Flying Saucers over the years. RHC)
"The effect can be modulated upon electromagnetic carriers, but in an unusual sense. I.e., this type of modulation is virtual state, so it does not simply gate photons as does normal electromagnetic modulation (AM) or change frequency of the photons produced (FM) -- rather it is modulated onto each individual photon itself, in its unseparated ΔT portion (a photon is comprised of action, ΔEΔT without any separation).
"The virtual state may be thought of as nested shells of physical reality contained or enfolded inside the element of time contained in each quantum of action. It is thus contained in, and carried by, the photon."
Mind over matter is a Hyperfield over an Electromagnetic Field and this is the basis of Spiritual Healing or Absent treatment, with the mind or augmented by a Radionic broadcast treatment instrument. The point Bearden makes here is "there exist more fundamental component fields than electromagnetic fields, and these hyperfields produce electromagnetic field itself. These hyperfields can also Just as easily extinguish electromagnetic fields or virtual photons."
The dematerialization of a human form in a seance room -- or of a Flying Saucer in our atmosphere, are good examples of the "extinguishing" of electromagnetic fields -- also the regression of a disease!
The Radionic Instrument
radionic instrument enables the therapist to call up information specific to the patient from the control fields (dimensions 7 & 8 according to Heim, Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields) and thus to analyse the underlying causes of disease in a person, animal or plant. The experienced practitioner knows that he can tune himself via this plane to the patient provided that he has a blood or hair specimen of the patient, wherever the patient is, even if they are thousands of kilometers apart. At the same time, deviations can be qualitatively assessed and balanced by radionic therapy.
What facilities does Radionics offer you?
To sum up, it can be stated that radionics gives you the possibility of setting up an extensive analysis on the basis of a patient specimen. In this context, you can take account of the organ status, toxin loading, vitamin and minerals budget, bacteria and viral presence, fungal infections etc. You can test the appropriate homoeopathic remedy and potency without the use of test sets, and assess the correct Bach flower or other flower essences. Furthermore, you have the complete range of colour and precious stone therapy available to you. For this purpose we have numerous rates available (6500 rates for organs and symptoms, 30 rates for vitamins, 320 rates for colour, 2600 rates for homoeopathic remedies, and flower essences etc).
Some radionic instruments give you the facility not only of investigating at physical level but also operating at astral and mental levels etc. Depending on the instrument, you have access to 6 or 12 levels of existence.