Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael, whose name means ‘God heals’ is charged with healing the earth and humankind. Raphael’s qualities became known from the biblical story which tells how the earth was healed after being jefiled by the sins of Lucifer. Raphael is also known for great teaching qualities—in the apocryphal book of Tobit, Raphael guides young Tobias and teaches him about medicine and exorcism. Raphael eases the pain of Abraham after his circumcision, and heals Jacob’s thigh after wrestling with another angel. Raphael taught Noah how to construct the ark before :he flood. Raphael is also considered o be a patron of the sciences. Raphael is also thought to be the protector of travellers and a healer to the sick and injured.
Comes supplied in a lovely gift box.
Material | Color | Dimension (cm) | Weight (g) |
Resin Stone | Ivory | 13 High; 9.5 Wide | 353 |
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