So, from a metaphysical perspective what does this stone do? Well firstly like all opal or opalites, the structure is spherical rather than lineal like most other crystals. That is why opals work so well with the emotions - rather than belting down the front door with an issue they work their way around it, flow through the crevices of our protections and get at issues obliquely and hence less confrontationally. Its easy sometimes to "fend off" some crystals when the emotional issues are painful and we just don't want to deal with them - its virtually impossible to do with an opal because it just wraps you in its energy and there's no escape - so opals are never for the faint-hearted - you WILL deal with that issue no matter how strong your protections normally are.
Now a little about pink opal because it is rather unique in the opal family of stones. Despite being pink its not a soft, calming "cotton wool" kind of energy - rather its incredibly vibrant and stimulating - it raises the spirits and elevates your mood.
Some have described it as a type of euphoria and I suppose that's true but not of the kind where you "check your brain at the door" - its just like it attunes you to the pulse of love and produces this almost immediate shift of mood.
Aside from its benefit as a mood enhancer, Pink Opal/ite teaches us not to judge a book by its cover - to set aside our preconceived expectations and see things for what they truly are. That is far more important than it sounds because our expectations (either of good or bad things happening) limit our experiences. A terrific opportunity may be staring you in the face but because of your assumptions and expectations - mostly due to the past - you ignore it, assuming that it will just turn out like all the other times. Or indeed you might expect something will be terrific because it has been before and hence jump in "boots and all" into something you should not have done. Peruvian Pink Opal/ite helps you see things as they really are - giving emotional clarity, free from judgement and past experiences - free from assumptions and expectations.
It also helps in balancing giving and receiving. Often we get caught in one or the other and its not uncommon for healers to get trapped into the giving side because we feel that's what we should be doing - ignoring the receiving and depleting ourselves in the process. Pink Opal/ite helps not only to balance that but also to get us to see that both are necessary and part of wholeness - and there is nothing to be gained in being the martyr.
This aspect is a manifestation of this stones ability to translate and balance. Whether its translating ebb into flow and visa versa or translating what you're hearing with your ears into what you know in your heart - or indeed I suppose translating languages. An awful lot of our lives get "lost in translation" - between people, from the higher energies to the lower, within ourselves between intent and action. This mineral helps with that process.
I suppose that's all summed up in saying that Pink Opal/ite helps us to release the distortions and see things (particularly emotions and love) from a clearer, more balanced, and truer perspective. And when you see that, you can't help but smile.
Size (mm): 23 - 30mm (width, thickness, shape and color does vary and is not necessarily the same as the crystal shown in the picture).
Weight (g): 4 - 23g
Vibrates to number | Astrological Signs | Chakra |
6 | Libra | Heart |
A gem of a gem!