Put these cards in a small dish and keep them handy for you and your friends - on your desk or in the kitchen. Each day select a card and think about the quality described. Remember it through the day...it will help you in various situations. The more you use them the better they work.
There are 66 cards in the complete set.
Dimension (in/cm) | Weight (oz/g) |
3.62 x 2.55 x 0.51 / 9.2 x 6.5 x 1.3 | 2.4 / 67 |
Love these cards
Love these cards. Took a while in the mail but this place is legit. Thank you!
Buying again
I have had a pack of these cards for well over 20 years. Now my children are grown and asking for their own packs...and they are well into their 30s now.
My family have loved my 30 year old deck of Self Mastery Cards so now I have a set for each member so we can all enjoy them every day instead of only when they come for a visit. Thanks Natures Energies for having these wonderful inspirational cards.