Turquoise gemstone is the healing stone that attunes our physical selves to the highest realms. It helps us to better understand ourselves and to bring our ideas and emotions under control so we can see them become fruitful in our reality. You have but to stop and listen, be still and be ready to hear the truth about who and what you are. Only then will you obtain your full power.
Honored by the native Americans as a sacred, the turquoise gemstone absorbs negativity, transmuting it into useful energy. It also helps you to become one with the universe.
The true Turquoise meaning comes from the heart and the soul of the person using them.
Turquoise Gemstone Healing Properties
The list of turquoise gemstone healing properties is long and varied and the varieties of turquoise crystal shapes, sizes and colors that can be used are as varied as the people that use them.
Worn anywhere on the body, a turquoise gemstone healing stone will protect and bless the wearer. It is considered a sacred stone in some cultures, being a gift from the gods.
A String of turquoise gemstone crystal beads worn around the neck absorbs all negativity from the body and mind and helps you develop your own natural powers.
You can align your chakras by laying a turquoise gemstone on each of the chakra points for 3 to 5 minutes while the gem does its work.
If you don't have 7 turquoise gemstone, it may take a little longer, but laying a single stone on 1 chakra at a time for the same 3 to 5 minutes will still align your chakras for maximum power.
A string of turquoise gemstone beads used as a bracelet, necklace or even an anklet will help detoxify the body from alcohol, pollution, poison and radiation. The idea is to wear a circle of beads around one area of the body so as the blood flows back and forth through the area, the turquoise can purify it.
Anyone that has problems with their lungs, throat or from asthma, can hang a turquoise gemstone from a cord or chain so it hangs directly over the area causing the problem. This allows the gem energies to get as close as possible to the problem area and begin the healing work even faster.
Those suffering from depression can sleep with a turquoise gemstone to help lift the depression faster.
Turquoise Gemstone in Healing Remedies
Add a few turquoise crystals to a container of water and allow it to sit outdoors overnight where the moon can shine upon it and then so the sun can shine upon it during the day. That evening, pour the turquoise water into a tub of bath water, step in, sit down and allow the healing energies to work upon your body.
This same Turquoise Crystal Healing Elixir can be used to soak a sprained or pulled muscle, strengthen the body so you can fight off viruses and infections, and help damaged or cut tissues to heal.
For headaches, soak a cloth in the Elixir and place on your fore head till the pain goes away.
Have a speaking engagement coming up? Sleep with a turquoise crystal taped to your neck (with a band aid) at night and wear one on a chain around your neck during the day to ensure your ability to communicate with others is at it's highest.
Additional Turquoise Gemstone Meanings
Some of the turquoise meanings include, increases serenity, protection, meditation energy, wisdom, balance, honest communication, strength, friendship and love. Considered to be generally healing and fostering of empathy, positive thinking and sensitivity. Turquoise gemstone connects us with all life. Also enhances friendship, love, communication and loyalty.
Often seen used in Jewelry, including rings, beads, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and pendants. Often used in native American and Western styled jewelry.
Size (mm): 18 - 35mm (width, thickness, shape and color does vary and is not necessarily the same as the crystal shown in the picture).
Weight (g): 5 - 17g
Vibrates to number | Astrological Signs | Chakra |
4, 6 and 7 | Sagittarius | Throat |
Nice looking gem!