Serpentine is an excellent stone to use when peace is needed in any situation. Keep one in your home to help calm arguments and place one near the cash register to keep your customers extra happy.
To help you take your meditation to new heights, keep a serpentine nearby. It will help calm your inner conflicts and bring greater peace into your life.
Can be used as an amulet against all sorts of poisonous bites from insects, snakes and scorpions.
Sleep with a serpentine taped at your navel to help heal any sort of kidney or stomach problem.
An excellent stone to help with a wide range of women's problems. It has been used to regulate the supply of breast milk in nursing mothers, ease menstrual pain and abdominal cramping during menstruation and has been placed in the bed or under the pillow to help women achieve orgasm when tension and nervousness is preventing it from happening.
Size (mm): 24 - 30 mm (width, thickness, shape and color does vary and is not necessarily the same as the crystal shown in the picture).
Weight (g): 10 - 26g
Vibrates to number | Astrological Signs | Chakra |
8 | Gemini | Crown and Third Eye |
I purchased this and added it to my collection. Was very happy with the gem they sent me.