To most pet owners, their pets are people. Almost all consider their pets part of the family. Their descriptions of the relationship tell the story: My best friend. My pal. My baby. They shower them with as much attention and affection as they would give their children. What has been most troubling to many of these animal lovers are the increasing health problems their pets seem to be encountering. In fact, across the country, veterinarians are seeing more cases of hair loss, skin problems, energy loss, muscle weakness, poisonings and cancer in the animals they treat. Also, many problems formerly associated with older animals are occurring at much younger ages.
No one seems to agree on the causes. Some researchers point the finger at poor breeding practices. Others believe that both animals and their owners are exposed to an overwhelming amount of toxins from a variety of sources that compromise the immune system. Others claim that diets having inadequate vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients contribute to ill health. While the debate goes on, pet owners are increasingly frustrated at their inability to find a source of effective treatment for their pet's mounting health problems. One fact seems clear to most of them...more and more medications just makes things worse. Consequently, many pet owners are turning to alternative approaches for keeping their pets healthy.
Last year, Robin, who was one of those people who had tried everything that regular medicine could offer, found an astonishing alternative. Robin has an 8 year old dog named Max. For the last three years, Max has been going through what could be described as old age problems, although he is not that old. Three years ago it was a cataract in his left eye. Two years ago Max developed arthritis in his hind legs. Most recently, he began to suffer major side effects from his medications. It started with digestive problems. Then a skin rash broke out and evolved into extensive fur loss.
In the past six months Max had not been able to climb stairs. And recently, he had a major swelling which the vet diagnosed as an obstruction in the abdominal area. He said that Max was not a good candidate for surgery due to his already poor health and that, perhaps, Robin should consider taking Max out of his misery. Robin could not stand the idea of Max suffering. She would watch him while he lay in his bed unable to move. Only occasionally, he would give a slight wag of his tail when she would sit there petting and talking to him. Although she couldn't bring herself to put her old friend to sleep, his continued suffering was unbearable.
Then Joe, an elderly neighbour, suggested trying magnets. A year ago, after a major auto accident, he had been told by his doctors that he would probably never walk again and be confined to a wheelchair. At the nudging of a friend, he decided to try magnets on his injuries. He put a magnetic seat pad in his chair and taped spot magnets on his back and hip. Although Joe was not running any marathons, he "mended better than anyone expected and had no more aching." Robin was ready to try anything. As strange as Joe's story sounded, she hoped that these magnets could give Max some relief. Joe wrapped a towel over his magnetic seat pad and told Robin to use it in the dog's bed. Robin wrapped two magnets over Max's abdomen and put him on his new magnetic bed. By the next morning, he had stopped whimpering but barely moved. The following day he ate a little bit of food. On the third day, he was walking around a bit and by the fifth day Max seemed better than he had been in the past two years.
However, on the seventh day Max's health rapidly declined. He suddenly developed a high fever and became very weak. The next day, he couldn't move. "Couldn't keep any food down and barely recognized me when I called his name," recalls Robin. His condition continued to worsen.
Hysterical, she called Joe who suggested that Max's system could be releasing massive amounts of toxins which are in his body due to all the drugs he had been taking and the toxins he had been exposed to around the house. "If that's the case," Joe explained, "that dog could get mighty sick for awhile." He suggested that she buy some litmus paper to test the ph of Max's urine. "If it is very acidic, it probably means that he is detoxing too fast," he explained "Give him plenty of water and reduce the time spent on the magnetic pad, since it was improving his circulation, until his ph level became a little less acidic." Robin gave Max as much water as he could drink and reduced the amount of time he spent on the magnets by a few hours.
Robin kept this up for three days. Max was not getting worse, but there was little improvement. However, on the morning of the fourth day, Robin was awakened by two paws on the edge of her bed and big wet puppy kisses on her face. "Max was hungry, wagging his tail and he wanted me to get up and play! I just sat there crying and hugging him."
A week later Robin took Max to the vet to have him re-examined.
"The vet was shocked by Max's recovery and new energy. He wanted to know more about everything that I had done. I said I simply boosted his battery.," she says slyly. What was the cause of Max's health problems? There were probably a multitude of causes. No one may ever know. However, the progress of his deterioration is not unique. Degenerative health problems are almost epidemic in the United States for both pets and people. Our human population leads the world in medications per capita and also leads the world in degenerative diseases. In their search for alternatives, an increasing number of people are discovering the health benefits of magnets. For some problems, magnets are more effective than medications or any other treatments for restoring health.
Studies conducted by environmental researchers have found that numerous degenerative diseases are accompanied by extremely high levels of toxins in the body. Our cabinets are filled with a multitude of cleaners, ranging from presumably harmless air fresheners to more notoriously toxic drain cleaners. People clean, buff, scrub and polish, and go to work knowing their houses twinkle, but do they know that they have left their pets inside to get poisoned?
Just like pesticides, the chemicals in many household cleaners can cause genetic damage to our pets. Most animal studies have determined that cancer is evident with toxic levels of chemical ingestion. Pets are more susceptible to hazardous cleaning products because they spend most of their lives on the floor where fumes are the strongest. Cats may walk over freshly washed or waxed floors and then lick the cleaner off their paws. Animals can roll on a carpet which has been sprinkled with flea powders, carpet fresheners or spot cleaners and pick up toxins in their fur.
Formaldehyde is one of the largest culprits for creating interior gas chambers. Most of our "fake wood" furniture uses formaldehyde glue. Drapes, sofas, bedding, carpets and cabinets also contain this chemical. Many symptoms attributed to these toxins, can appear in your pets before they appear in you. Because cats and dogs are closer to the source for longer periods of time, they can breathe in higher concentrations of chemicals for their given body weight.
Lead poisoning is another serious problem. Lead is absorbed and stored in the same way as calcium because the body cannot distinguish the difference. This will lead to future problems such as neurological symptoms, kidney and reproduction disorders, blindness and death. In young animals up to 90% of lead can be absorbed whereas in adults only 10%.
Even the outdoors is not a safe zone. The most potent and widely used weed killer is 2,4,0 and has been proven to be toxic to both humans and pets. The problem with layers and layers of toxic overload is that the whole organism is compromised and the symptoms are not easily diagnosed. As a consequence, except for clear cut problems, treatment is trial and error. In cases of toxicity, medications just add to the toxic overload. Layers and layers of toxins cause layers and layers of problems that are hard to peal away one organ at a time since most living creatures have highly integrative systems.
Max's owner had the good for tune of finding an alternative approach that boosted the body's natural abilities to heal itself. Since energy devices stimulate circulation, they aid in bringing blood and nutrients throughout the body. At the same time, they assist the body in a more rapid removal of toxins through the lymph system. Equally important, they provide an increased energy base.
The benefit of this approach is that it taps into the body's inner wisdom to bring itself back to health through whatever means it determines necessary. Every doctor knows the incredible power of the body to heal itself when given half a chance.
For any cell to be completely healthy it must constantly be fed nutrients and its waste by-products must be taken away quickly. The means by which the cells are fed and the waste carried away is through the blood. In a healthy body this occurs naturally. However, in an unhealthy, toxic body, the body needs help. Or, more precisely, an energy charge.
While energy medicine is excellent for restoring health, it is also excellent for repairing acute injuries in otherwise healthy animals. Magnetic therapy has been used on race horses around the world for at least twenty years in the form of pulsed magnetic fields, magnetic foils, magnetic horse blankets and magnetic pads. Many times they are used as supplements to more conventional treatments. In the past decade, however, an increasing number of holistic veterinary practices have brought what was once called "alternative medicine" into the veterinary mainstream.
Dr. Chris Cahill's practice, which uses both traditional and acupuncture therapy, is evenly split between race horses and thoroughbred breeding farms. He heard about magnetic therapy five years ago, when he first began investigating alternative therapies. "I was looking for something to augment the homeopathic and acupuncture treatments," he says. By using magnetic therapy, in conjunction with other treatments, he finds that he does not need to treat a horse as frequently. "The owners can maintain treatments between my visits, without buying expensive equipment, training personnel, or paying for an equine therapist to visit on a daily basis."
Dr. Cahill has found magnetic therapy to be very effective in the breeding barn, particularly for older stallions who are experiencing pain caused by arthritis and joint stiffness. "Hind leg and lower back pain can actually cause impotence," he notes. One Kentucky Derby winner was so sore in his hocks, he quit breeding just as the season was starting. By treating both hocks with magnetic therapy, Chris was able to reduce the stallion's pain, allowing the horse to breed mares through the season. "I've used other techniques," he says, "and I've found that magnetics are equally effective, yet are significantly easier and certainly less expensive to use than some of the other options."
In 1992, a horse named Rafter- who is owned by the Priors family of Hatfield, Minnesota became lame. It was first suspected that the horse had hurt his leg on a trail ride in the Black Hills. However, the vet diagnosed the injury as a degenerative bone disease in the lower leg and hoof area. The vet said it would get progressively worse and there was nothing he could do for the horse, but give him shots to kill the pain. Eventually we would have to destroy the horse.
In March of 1993, Rafter became lame again, but this time it didn't clear up in a week or so like before. Three months later he was still lame and getting shots for pain. The Priors finally had to make the tough decision to send him to slaughter. Their sister insisted that they try magnetics as a last resort. So, for two weeks the horse was treated continuously with a flex magnet pad on its hoof area.
By the end of the two weeks, Rafter was able to walk with no pain! He has continued to improve since then, and the Prior's have been riding him ever since.
Studies confirm the ability of magnetic fields to stimulate the growth of healthy bone cells and regenerate soft tissue. Other studies indicate that magnets stimulate the immune system, creating both increased haemoglobin and increased T cell activity.
A beautiful eight-year-old Cocke Spaniel named Schnapps fell down a flight of stairs and broke her neck. Upon examination, her veterinarian declared that without surgery the dog would not survive long, gave her a hopeless prognosis and predicted she would collapse within a matter of days. Her owner, Anne, had other ideas and put Schnapps to rest on a magnetic pad. Now Schnapps sleeps on the pad often and uses it especially on those occasions when she does not feel well. The dog defied the veterinarian's predictions, and for the most part enjoys a very normal active life.
A similar situation occurred for the owner of a miniature Dachshund. About a year ago, Judith's 6 year old miniature Dachshund named Lucky started having some difficulty walking because his hind legs were becoming stiff and weak. As a result, the usually frisky fellow began spending most of his time in his tiny bed barely moving. When Judith's young son Neal, Lucky's best friend, would try to rally Lucky to come and play, Lucky would get all excited and try to spring out of bed but would often start whimpering and then collapse.
The vet informed her that this was a common problem for this particular breed. Its long body causes considerable strain on the dog's lumbosacral vertebrae, and a degenerative process often starts there. Eventually, it results in weakness and stiffness in the hind limbs. According to the veterinarian, very little could be done about reversing the condition. Even an operation offered little hope for improvement. Because Lucky couldn't make it up or down the stairs his bed was placed on the kitchen floor by the door. One morning, Judith woke up to find Neal wrapped in blankets, rolled in a ball sleeping next to Lucky. She realized how painful Lucky's condition was for everyone in the family.
"I thought, 'What haven't I tried? What's left?' Then, I remembered a friend who had been going to a holistic doctor and began using magnets to reduce the agonizing discomfort of her arthritis. She was feeling much better. It sounded really strange but she said that nothing else had worked for her."
So, Judith bought two silver dollar sized magnets and secured them on Lucky's lower spine area. She left them on for twenty four hours. By the second day, Lucky started to show some slight improvement. By the end of the week, he was walking around. Judith was optimistic and purchased a seat pad that she put in his bed and continued with the spot magnet treatment. After another week, the dog was actively walking around. After four months, he could even jump onto a bed to be with his best friend, Neal.
The benefits of magnetics for animals have been known for decades since many researchers used magnets to heal animals long before they were used on humans.
Back in 1994, a couple from Indiana noticed that their Rhodesian Ridgeback, Patrick, had what was called hot spots on either side of his back, along each side of his spinal ridge. The spot started out about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen and grew in length about eight inches long, and three to four inches wide. Then, all the fur fell out and the skin color turned black.
Their first impulse was to treat him with antibiotics, holistic, and herbal treatments, but nothing helped. It just seemed to get worse. Then, they decided that it was time to put magnetics to the test. They had Patrick lie on his side and covered the area with a towel. They then rolled magnetic balls over the affected area for five minutes and placed a pad over it for another five minutes. That night, the dog slept on a large magnetic mattress. After two weeks, Patrick's fur came back and the pigment of his skin was normal!
Fritz is a 14 year old blue-point Siamese who is lucky to live with people who know the benefits of several magnetic products. Not as robust or agile as he might have been in his earlier years, Fritz had a dispute with a dog several years younger and several pounds heavier. As a result, he was pretty chewed up ...especially his leg.
Upon arriving home after being treated by a local vet Fritz made a bee-line to his owner's magnetic seat, choosing that specific seat to spend most of his waking hours and inevitable catnaps. As a result, his recovery was fairly rapid. In fact, he seemed to emerge as a new cat with a lot more energy, vitality and playfulness than before his battle.
While the use of magnets is relatively new in this country, scientists in Russian, Japan, England, France and India have carried out extensive research during the last 50 years on the nature and scope of the magnetic field and its effect on living organisms. Thousands of experiments on bacteria, animals, plants and tissue cultures have been conducted.
Dr. I. N. Komorov of Russia doubled the life of houseflies by feeding them on magnetized sugar. Life of a mouse was extended by nearly half of its normal span and a mouse under experimentation astonishingly gave birth at the advanced age of four, the maximum life span of mice being three years.
Dr. Robert Becker writing in his book, The Body Electric, describes the repair of myelin sheathing on a mouse after damage to nerves. The accelerated healing of bones due to stimulating the creation of embryonic bone cells, osteoblasts, using pulsed magnetic fields is extensively reported in the work of Dr. Andrew Bassett. At the same time, the work of other researchers shows significant evidence that the repair of injuries to soft tissue, such as tendons, ligaments and skin, can be accelerated and improved with magnetic field exposure.
While the use of magnets for treating animal health problems still seems relatively unusual in this country, many pet owners are obtaining significant improvements in their pet's serious chronic problems for which the traditional veterinary medicine alone is often insufficient.
In the United States, Equine veterinarians were among the first to try magnetic treatments. In fact, thoroughbred race horses have been treated with magnets in this country for almost two decades. In their search for more effective ways to treat these valuable race horses, they discovered magnetic foils in Europe.
Dr. John Halford of Ojai, California has established a 95% equine clientele. John started investigating magnetic therapy in 1990, while searching for an adjunct therapy to his ultra-sound machine which, he says, "can be a big hassle, because I cover such a large area and the machine is so big. I have to rent equipment, and train people." After successfully treating several cases with magnetics, he began using them regularly.
"I know that many of my colleagues fear that magnetic therapy will reduce their income. I've found the opposite. By using magnetics, treatment is easier, the results are more dramatic, the clients are usually happier and business increases."
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